I look forward to my Presidents year and spending time with the members and guests of our club. For the second time we have a female Rotary International President and I am excited to share RI President Stephanie Urchick’s vision with our club.
The Theme this year for Rotary is ‘The Magic of Rotary’. This is a great theme which incapsulates all of the wonderful things Rotary does both locally and internationally by members working together to make the world a better place. Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
As members, we all have a passion. Let’s explore it and remind ourselves why we joined this amazing organization. Our membership includes a worldwide membership of 1.4 million members. Did you know that Rotary is in more countries than the UN? Rotary is one of the top 10 organizations in the world. We need to remind ourselves what it means to be a Rotarian and the value Rotary has. Rotarians have value, true value is in billions not millions. Wear your pin not only to meetings, but every day.
We are People of Action and possess the power and the magic to serve. One of our mottos is service about self and we make sure we have fun while volunteering!!
You may be looking for a Rotary Club to join. I welcome you as a guest to attend a meeting to meet our members to discover the power of Chinook Rotary. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month for lunch at The Carriage House Inn and also the last Thursday for a fun monthly pub meeting. Check our website for guest speaker and meeting location details.
It is now time to create our own Magic of Rotary!!
Robert Wolfson, President
Rotary Club of Calgary Chinook
Est. 1977
Service Above Self
Calgary, AB T2H 0M2