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the ARCH Online 2011-12
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Produced weekly, the ARCH provides meeting, speaker, informative articles and upcoming event information to club members.
Club Scribes, working with photographers Ian Burgess, & John Beatty record the club meetings.
The Publishers and Editors are Stephen & Anne Pick, who format the newsletter, incorporate external articles of interest, and print and distribute it weekly.
Club members, Committee Chairs, and Club Directors with articles or items of interest to be included in the ARCH should forward them to Stephen Pick.
Latest issues are linked in the box at left.
Club Scribes, working with photographers Ian Burgess, & John Beatty record the club meetings.
The Publishers and Editors are Stephen & Anne Pick, who format the newsletter, incorporate external articles of interest, and print and distribute it weekly.
Club members, Committee Chairs, and Club Directors with articles or items of interest to be included in the ARCH should forward them to Stephen Pick.
Latest issues are linked in the box at left.